Ad Spend Data

Ad spend data
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Data Driven Insights on Ad Spend

For business professionals, understanding your company’s advertising, marketing, and promotional spend by media is absolutely essential for succeeding in today’s ever-evolving, digitally-driven market. Companies need data-driven insights to allocate their budgets effectively to maximize targeted marketing, create new campaigns, and develop successful promotional materials. Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize-winning economist, said it best: “Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”

Having a keen understanding of the data behind various marketing initiatives is more important than ever before. Things like Ad Targeting Data, E-commerce Data, Marketing Intelligence Data, and Media Measurement Data can give you and your company a competitive edge when it comes to managing your marketing and ad spend. Let’s look at each of these datasets to get a better understanding of what insights they can provide.

Ad Targeting Data is a crucial category of data for the digital age. In 2020, digital advertising spend surpassed TV for the first time ever, making it the most heavily used medium for modern advertising. Ad Targeting Data is generated by an advertiser’s campaigns and can be used to measure current and potential customer engagement. Tracking metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions- in combination with targeting demographic breakdowns, open and click-through-rates - help you better understand your return on investment (ROI) from campaigns. Having access to ad targeting data also allows you to more accurately determine which advertisement placements are driving the highest return on your ad spending.

Next, E-commerce Data is a real-time report of the full purchase cycle of online stores and websites. It consists of information such as customer purchases, subscriptions, and ratings, as well as analytics on visitor traffic. Measuring how your customers interact with your online channels will enable you to determine which visits resulted in transactions, as well as understand consumer spending habits. Companies make extensive use of e-commerce data to personalize user experiences, create targeted promotional campaigns and understand behavioral trends.

Marketing Intelligence Data gives you deeper insights on your incoming leads. It can be used to track metrics such as website forms completion, customer segmentation, sales teams performance and funnel performance. With Marketing Intelligence Data, you have the ability to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and gain insight into the consumer journey. You can use this information to inform your decision making process and optimize your campaigns in real time.

Finally, Media Measurement Data is essential for understanding how thoroughly and successfully you’re reaching your target audience. It streamlines qualitative and quantitative customer feedback from social media and press, assesses your return on held media investments, and enables you to build brand awareness. Companies can also use this data to compare media performance across different channels, know the reach of their media campaigns, and measure the sentiment of customer interactions.

The combination of datasets, along with other data-driven methods, will help business professionals to better understand how companies are spending on advertising, marketing, and promotions. By obtaining and analyzing the right type of data, businesses will be able to make informed decisions to maximize the success of their various initiatives and campaigns. With more data-driven insights, companies can develop campaigns faster, refine their focus on customer acquisition and retention, and increase their overall ROI.
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