Broadband Coverage Data

Broadband coverage data
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Broadband data and other alternative data sources are revolutionizing the way business professionals monitor and understand broadband coverage in the US. By leveraging a variety of data sources and datasets, they are able to get more refined insights into coverage and subscriber numbers broken out by geography and speed. This type of granular understanding of the market is invaluable to anyone looking to invest in the broadband industry, optimize services in the market, or identify potential gaps or opportunities for growth or service optimization.

The most immediate and comprehensive source of broadband data is the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) Form 477 Broadband Deployment Data. This form is required to be submitted by all ISPs on a semi-annual basis and contains detailed information about coverage and subscribers across the United States. This dataset can be used to analyze overall coverage as well as compare coverage levels between different providers or by geography.

Alternative data sources can be used to supplement this data and provide more granularity in terms of understanding coverage and subscriber numbers. For example, the census and detailed housing maps can provide valuable information about households that are served or unserved by broadband providers. This data can then be used to better understand subscriber and coverage dynamics by geography, such as sprawling rural areas with low densities or urban areas with apartments and buildings that complicate the issue of direct access to providers.

Contact data from customer service and sales teams is another valuable resource for understanding broadband coverage in the US. Customer service and sales teams are often the first point of contact for potential customers, and their data can provide insights into what areas or areas are unserved or underserved. Additionally, customer service tickets can provide valuable insights into any complaints or service issues that customers may be experiencing with their existing providers.

Telecom data is another source of valuable insight as telecom communications are still largely responsible for bringing broadband service to end users. Telecom data can help identify areas in need of additional network capacity or current infrastructure gaps that prevent some areas from being able to adequately access service. Additionally, telecom data can provide a more detailed view of current speed levels and any changes in performance across different geographies.

Finally, diversified data sources such as real estate data can also play a part in understanding broadband coverage. Real estate data can provide insight into average housing prices or sectors of the market that may currently or potentially be underserved by broadband providers. By understanding where there is a larger or a more affluent population, investors and providers may be able to target a demographic or reveal potential growth or investment opportunities.

Overall, broadband data and a wide variety of additional alternative data sources can provide an invaluable resource for business professionals looking to analyze or understand broadband coverage in the US. By leveraging these sources, they can gain insights into coverage and subscriber numbers that allow them to better assess and target potential growth or optimization opportunities in the broadband market.
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