Building Properties Data

Building properties data
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At Nomad Data we help you find the right dataset to address these types of needs and more. Sign up today and describe your business use case and you'll be connected with data vendors from our nearly 3000 partners who can address your exact need.
Data in many forms has been used for ages to understand a variety of topics, from social trends to business performance. With the advent of digital data, a much richer picture of the underlying real estate industry can be seen using data sets such as real estate data. Real estate data sets have some of the most in-depth and comprehensive data points than any other data out there and through the lens of this data can provide a unique picture of the ever changing nature of the real estate industry.

Real estate data, in particular, offers many insight points into the composition and context of building properties. From location and parcel identification to footprint sizing and land & building use, all of these critical components of real estate are typically recorded in these data sets. With such comprehensive data points, one can easily analyze and understand trends in the real estate market and even better, use that analysis to their advantage when it comes to making decisions.

For example, when it comes to understanding the foot print size of a particular building, a real estate data set can provide deep and nuanced insight into square footage and other key metrics. Through such insight, the decision maker can better understand the implications of the foot print size and utilize it to inform their decisions. This same approach can also be taken when it comes to exploring land & building use, zoning restrictions and other related topics.

Real estate insights have become much more accessible over the years with digital data becoming more and more accessible. Business professionals and decision makers have an important tool at their disposal to help them better understand the data points that come with a building property. Additionally, real estate data can also offer important demographic and economic insights about a particular area or region that can be used to inform decisions about investments in the area.

In summary, datasets such as real estate data provide great insight into all aspects of building properties, including location, parcel identification, footprint sizing, land & building use & associated zoning, owner/management & tenant information. Through the use of real estate data, professionals can improve their ability to evaluate properties and make sound business decisions. Additionally, real estate data is also a great way to gain deeper insight into the demographic and economic contexts of a particular area or region.
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