Canadian Ecommerce Data

Canadian ecommerce data
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Ecommerce sales in Canada are on the rise, with the industry expected to reach its highest ever market share of retail sales this year. With more and more Canadians moving towards online purchasing, leveraging data to gain better insights into the ecommerce landscape is becoming increasingly important. Data sets such as email receipt data, marketing intelligence data, and transaction data can be used to gain a better understanding of the patterns, trends, and factors influencing ecommerce sales. In particular, these datasets can be utilized to gain valuable insights into casual measures like traffic, conversions, and customer behavior.

Email Receipt Data

One of the most valuable datasets available to business professionals looking to glean insights on Canadian ecommerce is email receipt data. This data allows professionals to track when customers have purchased on a given website, including the time and location of the purchase. Additionally, email receipt data provides valuable granular insights into what was purchased and other related data such as product category, brand, price point and more. By utilizing this dataset, professionals can gain valuable insights and intelligence into customer buying patterns.

For example, by analyzing the data produced by email receipts, professionals can gain deeper understanding of customer behavior such as what product categories are being purchased more and less frequently, which type of promotions produce the best results, and other trends. This intelligence can be leveraged to create more effective promotions and campaigns, allowing businesses to build more personalized experiences and increase customer satisfaction.

Marketing Intelligence Data

Marketing intelligence data can also be used to gain better insights into the Canadian ecommerce landscape. This type of data includes insights into market size, competitor analysis, and spending trends. Utilizing this data can provide valuable insights into the larger market environment, and allow business professionals to better understand their competitors in the marketplace.

For instance, marketing intelligence data provides useful indications as to how competitors are marketing their products, allowing business professionals to adjust their strategies accordingly. Additionally, this data can be utilized to ascertain how successful different campaigns and promos are for the competitors. Leveraging this data can provide intelligence on how to market more competitively, allowing professionals to differentiate their product or services and drive more customers to their businesses.

Transaction Data

Another rich source of data for gaining better insights in relation to Canadian ecommerce are transactions data. This type of data not only provides information on the sale itself but also data related to customer engagement and retention. By leveraging transaction data, business professionals can gain an understanding of their customer's journey, their touchpoints, and other relevant information related to their purchasing behavior.

For example, transaction data can easily reveal what customers have purchased, when they bought the product, where they purchased it, and how much they spent. This data can then be leveraged to understand what types of products customers are buying, which promotions are proving to be more successful, and which marketing channels are more effective. Furthermore, this data can provide intelligence on what conversion activities proved to successful and which driver customers away.


Data sets such as email receipt data, marketing intelligence data and transaction data can be extremely beneficial for business professionals looking to gain better insights into the Canadian ecommerce landscape. These datasets provide valuable intelligence on how customers are interacting with ecommerce businesses, and offer useful information on how to make their services more attractive. Leveraging this data allows businesses to create better experiences for their customers and encourages further sales as a result.
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