Construction Activity Insights

Construction Activity Insights
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Understanding the dynamics of non-residential construction activity has historically been a complex task. Before the digital age, insights into construction trends, including the selection of architects, design development, and the initiation of projects, were primarily based on anecdotal evidence or sparse, hard-to-obtain records. Firms relied on outdated methods such as manual surveys, word-of-mouth, and limited public records to gauge construction activity. This often resulted in delayed and sometimes inaccurate insights into the construction industry.

The advent of sensors, the internet, and connected devices, alongside the proliferation of software into many processes, has revolutionized data collection and analysis. The move towards digitizing every event in databases has made it significantly easier to obtain real-time data on various topics, including non-residential construction activity. This shift has illuminated previously dark corners of the construction industry, allowing stakeholders to understand changes and trends in real-time, a stark contrast to the weeks or months of waiting that was common in the past.

The importance of data in understanding non-residential construction activity cannot be overstated. In an industry where timelines and efficiency are paramount, having access to accurate and timely data can be the difference between a successful project and a costly delay. The historical reliance on antiquated data collection methods often left firms in the dark, making it difficult to plan and execute construction projects effectively.

Today, various categories of datasets offer insights into different aspects of non-residential construction activity. From real estate data providing insights into development pipelines and market trends to risk data shedding light on construction permits and potential precursors to construction work, the landscape of data available to industry professionals has never been more rich or accessible.

This article will explore how specific categories of datasets can be used to gain better insights into non-residential construction activity. By examining the history, examples, and applications of these data types, we aim to highlight how they can help business professionals better understand and navigate the complexities of the construction industry.

The transformation brought about by digital technology and data proliferation has been nothing short of revolutionary for the construction industry. As we delve into the specifics of how different data types can aid in understanding non-residential construction activity, it's clear that the future of the industry lies in leveraging these insights to make informed decisions.

Real Estate Data

History and Evolution

Real estate data has long been a cornerstone of understanding market dynamics and construction trends. Historically, this data was gathered through manual surveys and public records, offering limited insights into the real estate market. The advent of digital technology and data analytics platforms has transformed the availability and depth of real estate data. Today, platforms like Green Street and Cherre provide comprehensive insights into both public equity REITs and private direct investments in commercial real estate, including development pipelines and market trends.

Applications and Insights

  • Supply/Demand Trends: Real estate data can reveal critical insights into supply and demand trends across different property sectors and markets. This information is invaluable for understanding the potential for non-residential construction activity.
  • Development Pipelines: Insights into public REIT and private market development pipelines can help stakeholders gauge upcoming construction projects and market saturation levels.
  • Market Forecasts: Data on market forecasts allows industry professionals to anticipate changes in the construction landscape, enabling better planning and investment decisions.

Risk Data

History and Evolution

Risk data, particularly in the context of construction, has evolved from basic permit records to comprehensive datasets covering a wide range of metrics. The ability to segment data by commercial work class and update records frequently has provided a more nuanced understanding of construction risks and opportunities.

Applications and Insights

  • Construction Permits: Tracking construction permits offers a precursor to construction work, allowing stakeholders to identify potential projects early in the development cycle.
  • Market Segmentation: Risk data enables segmentation by commercial work class, offering targeted insights into specific areas of the construction industry.


The importance of data in understanding non-residential construction activity cannot be overstated. The transition from antiquated data collection methods to the use of sophisticated datasets has revolutionized the industry, providing real-time insights that were previously unimaginable. As organizations become more data-driven, the ability to access and analyze diverse types of data will be critical to making informed decisions.

The future of the construction industry lies in leveraging data to gain a competitive edge. With the increasing availability of real estate and risk data, among others, business professionals have unprecedented access to insights that can guide strategic planning and execution. The potential for data monetization also presents new opportunities for companies to leverage their existing data assets for additional revenue streams.

As we look to the future, it's clear that new types of data will continue to emerge, offering even deeper insights into non-residential construction activity. The role of AI in unlocking the value hidden in decades-old documents and modern government filings cannot be underestimated. The construction industry is on the cusp of a data-driven transformation, and those who embrace this shift will be well-positioned to lead the way.


Industries and roles that could benefit from access to construction activity data include investors, consultants, insurance companies, and market researchers. The challenges faced by these professionals are diverse, but the common thread is the need for accurate, timely data to inform decision-making.

Data has transformed these industries by providing insights into market trends, risk factors, and potential opportunities. The future holds even greater potential, with AI and advanced analytics poised to unlock new levels of understanding and efficiency.

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