Data Breaches Data

Data breaches data
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At Nomad Data we help you find the right dataset to address these types of needs and more. Sign up today and describe your business use case and you'll be connected with data vendors from our nearly 3000 partners who can address your exact need.
Canadian citizens were forced to confront some of the most serious data breaches in the world in 2020. It was a tumultuous year for Canadians, who were confronted by identity theft and cyber security threats on a daily basis. This includes the arguably largest-ever reported on data breach to affect Canadians - Capital One's recent disclosure of the compromised confidential information of 106 million users.

To provide insight into the magnitude of the threat and to better understand the sources and motivators of data breaches, businesses must develop an understanding of the data sets involved. Data sets like Accounting Data and Cyber Security Data within organizations can help to identify vulnerable areas and alert to the risk of a potential breach. Additionally, Identity Theft can provide invaluable data to organisations investigating potential data breaches. Such data can track activity that is often hidden from plain sight. Derived from IP addresses, user login usernames, and sometimes even passwords, data such as this can provide insight into the approximate number of people affected by a data breach.

Crooks are becoming more creative and sophisticated in their methods, making it increasingly challenging for organizations to identify major threats. This is especially true of data breaches, as they often involve attackers taking advantage of vulnerable systems in a very clandestine manner. With this in mind, businesses must have an understanding of the data sets involved and be able to identify threats quickly and confidently.

Organisations can seek out data sets like Accounting Data, Cyber Security Data and Identity Theft to better understand the source and scope of data breaches. This information can be used to identify the companies and services most vulnerable to data breaches, as well as the approximate number of people affected by a given breach. Such data sets can also provide insight into the size and scale of a data breach, allowing organizations to develop better strategies to guard against such attacks.

The nearly unabated progression of cyber threats has made data breach prevention and security strategies essential. Accounting data, Cyber Security data, and Identity Theft data provide a road map for organizations to identify the sources and motives of data breaches and guard against them. In addition, it provides business professionals the tools to better understand the approximate number of people affected by given data breaches. By gaining an understanding of these data sets, businesses can more confidently and accurately respond to data breach threats in an effective and timely manner.
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