Domestic Aviation in China Data

Domestic aviation in China data
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The rapid development of aviation in China has resulted in an increasingly diverse array of data sets that can be utilized to gain better insights on the Chinese domestic aviation landscape, and to ultimately help business professionals make better data-driven decisions, particularly in the post-COVID era. By leveraging aviation, travel and other datasets, business professionals can gain a deeper understanding of how China's domestic air travel behavior has changed over time, while also exploring differences between travellers with regards to leisure versus business and budget versus premium offerings.

Aviation Data

Aviation data provides valuable insight into domestic aviation in China. It is made up of numerous datasets related to flight information, aircraft activity, airport operations, and passenger traffic - all of which are valuable when attempting to understand the current state of air travel in China.

In the pre-COVID era, the data highlighted the fact that domestic flights in China still accounted for more than 50% of all flight operations; the number of domestic flight operations yearly increased to over 4.5 million flights in 2019. This demonstrates that Chinese domestic aviation is still an important part of the overall aviation industry and continues to play a major role for the airlines in the country.

In the post-COVID era, the impact of the pandemic was felt acutely in the Chinese aviation sector, with an estimated drop of around 68.2% in domestic airports year-on-year by May 2020. However, China was able to maintain civil aviation’s role in its economic recovery and domestic flight operations returned to approximately a 75% capacity rate by September 2020. This demonstrates the resilience of the Chinese domestic aviation sector and its important role in the country’s recovery.

By leveraging aviation data in China, business professionals can gain a comprehensive view of the Chinese domestic aviation industry, track changing trends over time such as the impact of the pandemic, and learn more about the commercial dynamics between different types of airports and airlines.

Travel Data

Travel data can provide tremendous insights into domestic travellers’ behaviour and behaviours prior to and following the COVID pandemic. Travel data includes everything from air ticket bookings, hotel reservations and transport information to food purchases and tourist attractions visited.

With regards to domestic travelers in China, travel data can be used to gain a deeper understanding of the differences between leisure and business travelers, as well as insights into the preferences between low cost carriers (LCCs) and full service carriers (FSCs). According to the data, most passengers chose to fly with LCC airlines in the pre-COVID era, with nearly 59.6% of tickets being purchased by budget-conscious leisure travellers. While business travellers also generally opted for LCCs, they accounted for a relatively small portion (18.2%) of total passengers.

With regards to the post-COVID period, travel data shows that the utilization of budget carriers has decreased significantly, with a year-on-year decrease of up to 80.3% for LCCs in May 2020. This is due to the fact that few people are now travelling for leisure or pleasure, which has shifted the focus of air travel from leisure to business. Now, business travelers account for a much larger proportion of passengers, with approximately 43.3% of all tickets purchased in June 2020 being for business related travel. Meanwhile, the utilization of FSCs has increased, as passengers likely feel safer travelling with a premium carrier, which is able to offer more services and amenities.

By tracking data from air ticket bookings, hotel reservations and other types of transportation, business professionals can gain a better understanding of the changing preferences of domestic travellers in China and make better decisions accordingly.


Ultimately, leveraging both aviation and travel data can provide key insights into the domestic aviation Landscape in China and subsequently help business professionals better understand passenger volumes, pre and post COVID, leisure and business, and low cost vs full service carrier demands. By having this data-driven analysis, business professionals can make more informed decisions and ensure they are making the best decision possible.
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