European Payments Data

European payments data
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At Nomad Data we help you find the right dataset to address these types of needs and more. Sign up today and describe your business use case and you'll be connected with data vendors from our nearly 3000 partners who can address your exact need.
Data and its ability to drive insights has become a mainstay in the world of business. Companies are continuously trying to uncover valuable insights from many different types of data, such as consumer behavior data, diversified data, e-commerce data, email receipt data, marketing intelligence data, point of sale data and transaction data. With these sources at their disposal, businesses can not only gain a better understanding of customer behavior and preferences, but get a clear view into the payment activity within Europe.

When it comes to payments within the European continent, having clear datasets is crucial in garnering valuable insights. The key here is to cross-converge many of these datasets, as each will present different views into the payments being made.

Consumer behavior data, for example, provides the overall picture of customer trends and preferences when it comes to online payments, revealing preferences for payment methods (e.g. Apple Pay, credit cards, etc.) as well as defining difficulty in processing payments. Combining this data with diversified datasets can further reveal the market’s overall spending power and payment activity. By utilizing diversified data sources such as auctions, government records, surveys, etc., business professionals can more comprehensively analyze an area’s payment activity.

Utilizing e-commerce data is also an important way to uncover key insights into payments being made in Europe. This type of data specializes in revealing the full payment cycle for online purchases, including payment method, security authentication and customer convenience. Additionally, the ability to access this data from wearable devices, such as smart watches and wearable cameras, provides an even better understanding of how customers make their payments.

Email receipt data is another source of useful insight. By gathering and analyzing data from receipts sent to customers after an online purchase has been made, companies can examine the payment process from an aggregated angle, measuring customer satisfaction, payment speed and other factors. This can prove invaluable in identifying issues and improving the overall customer experience.

Similarly, marketing intelligence data can be used to gain further insights into payments and provide a better understanding of the payment history of a particular customer. This type of data allows businesses to analyze the purchase history of a customer, including which payment methods they have been using, their frequency of payments, when they stop buying and other factors.

Point of sale data is similar to marketing intelligence data, but provides a snapshot at the time of actual purchase. By leveraging data gathered from the POS, companies can gain better understanding into its customers’ spending habits, preferences and individual purchase occasions.

Finally, transaction data is the backbone of payments, providing a comprehensive view of all money movements within a given period of time. This type of data can help reveal the process of payment, including how often customers are using particular payment methods and their overall behavior with financial services providers.

In conclusion, businesses can use these various datasets in tandem to gain a better understanding of payments being made in Europe. By combining all of these insights, companies can get a close look at how payments are being processed in the region, with a specific focus on how customers are making their payments and their satisfaction with the overall payment experience. In doing so, businesses can wield greater control and gain deeper insights, allowing them to further understand their customers and refine their payment services.
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