Gaming Data

Gaming data
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Over the last few years, alternative data and transactional data have become increasingly popular tools for businesses looking to get better insights into the gaming market. For example, these datasets can be used to gain a greater understanding of the adoption patterns of PC game titles, allowing businesses to make better decisions in terms of marketing and product development.

Alternative data refers to information that isn't traditionally available in financial market data. This can include datasets such as social media posts, search keywords, mobile apps usage, online reviews and client surveys. For businesses looking to gain insights into gaming trends, alternative data can provide them with valuable insights from non-traditional sources.

By collecting alternative data, businesses can gain a better understanding of how the adoption of titles varies across different platforms and user demographics. For example, video games are popular among young adults, and by examining user behavior on sites such as YouTube and Twitch, businesses can get an idea of which titles are being streamed and watched the most. Additionally, data from online reviews can help companies get an idea of how satisfied users are with different PC game titles and can help them prioritize which games they should focus on.

Similarly, transactional data can be used to gain valuable insights into gaming. This type of data covers all purchases of games, such as those made in physical stores and those made digitally. By examining each transaction, businesses can get a better understanding of who exactly is buying the games, how often they are making purchases, and what type of products they are buying.

By combining alternative and transactional data, businesses can get a better understanding of the overall PC gaming market. Through this data, they can gain insights into how consumers discover and adopt different titles, how their behaviour changes over time, and how different platforms are affecting the gaming industry.

In conclusion, alternative and transactional datasets have become popular tools for businesses looking to gain a better understanding of the PC gaming market. Through these datasets, businesses can gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour and game adoption patterns, which can then be used to inform decisions on marketing and product development. With the right data, businesses can successfully capture a larger share of the PC game market.
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