LPG Tank Location Data

LPG Tank Location Data
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Understanding the distribution and usage of decentralized Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in the United States, particularly in regions like Texas, has historically been a challenging endeavor. Before the digital age, insights into such specific sectors were limited and often relied on antiquated methods. Traditional approaches included manual surveys, reliance on local fire authorities for data, which was often of questionable quality, and even word-of-mouth for gathering information. This lack of precise data left businesses and researchers in the dark, making it difficult to make informed decisions or understand market dynamics in real-time.

The advent of sensors, the internet, and connected devices has revolutionized the way we gather and analyze data. The proliferation of software and the digital storage of events have made it possible to track and understand complex systems and infrastructures like never before. This digital transformation has been particularly impactful in sectors where data was scarce or hard to collect, such as the distribution of decentralized LPG tanks across vast regions.

The importance of data in gaining insights into the location and usage of LPG cannot be overstated. Previously, stakeholders had to wait weeks or months to understand changes or trends. Now, with real-time data, changes can be monitored as they happen, allowing for more agile responses and strategic planning.

Satellite Data

The use of satellite data has emerged as a powerful tool in identifying and monitoring decentralized LPG tanks. Services like Tankwatch have revolutionized the ability to deliver precise tank coordinates, sizes, and ownership details. This technology, which includes the use of infrared to measure tanks, albeit with limitations on measuring gas directly due to its temperature, represents a significant leap forward. The ability to also monitor the movement of tanks and the gas in lorries leaving sites adds another layer of valuable data for businesses and researchers.

Computer vision algorithms further enhance the capabilities of satellite data by identifying LPG tanks within specified areas of interest. This allows for the geofencing of regions and the pinpointing of tank locations without prior knowledge of their existence. The implications for planning, safety, and logistics are vast, offering a level of detail and accuracy previously unattainable.

Applications of Satellite Data

  • Real-time monitoring of LPG tank locations and movements.
  • Safety and compliance oversight by identifying unauthorized or unregistered tanks.
  • Logistical planning for LPG distribution and supply chain optimization.
  • Environmental monitoring by tracking potential leakages or unauthorized disposals.

Construction Data

Construction data provides another layer of insight into the potential need and location of LPG tanks. By analyzing construction start data, project plans, and specifications, stakeholders can identify where LPG tanks are likely to be required. This data, which spans various project categories and structure types, offers a predictive view into future LPG usage and distribution needs.

The availability of detailed project documents, including plans and addenda, allows for a deeper dive into the specifics of construction projects. This can reveal not only the presence of LPG tanks but also their intended use, size, and compliance with regulations. Such insights are invaluable for planning, safety assessments, and market analysis.

Benefits of Construction Data

  • Market analysis and forecasting of LPG demand in new constructions.
  • Safety and compliance planning by understanding the specifications and standards applied to LPG tank installations.
  • Strategic planning for LPG suppliers and distributors based on upcoming construction projects.

Geolocation Data

Geolocation data, particularly from vehicle trips and points of interest (POIs), offers a unique perspective on LPG tank distribution and usage. By analyzing the movement of vehicles, especially those likely to be transporting LPG, stakeholders can gain insights into supply chain dynamics, distribution bottlenecks, and potential market opportunities.

This data, which covers millions of vehicle trips and POIs across the US, provides a granular view of LPG movement and storage. It can help identify patterns, optimize routes, and improve overall efficiency in the LPG supply chain.

Utilizing Geolocation Data

  • Supply chain optimization by analyzing vehicle movements and identifying efficient distribution routes.
  • Market opportunity identification through the analysis of POIs and vehicle trip data.
  • Risk management by monitoring the movement of LPG-carrying vehicles for safety and compliance.


The importance of data in understanding the distribution and usage of decentralized LPG cannot be overstated. The advent of technologies such as satellite imagery, construction data, and geolocation analytics has opened new avenues for insights and strategic planning. These data types offer a comprehensive view of the LPG market, from identifying tank locations to predicting future demand and optimizing supply chains.

As organizations become more data-driven, the ability to leverage these diverse data sources will be crucial in making informed decisions. The future of LPG market analysis and planning is likely to see even more innovative uses of data, including the potential monetization of proprietary data sets by corporations. The exploration of new data types and technologies, such as AI, will continue to enhance our understanding of complex markets like that of decentralized LPG.


Industries and roles that could benefit from this data include investors, consultants, insurance companies, market researchers, and more. The challenges faced by these sectors, such as market analysis, risk assessment, and strategic planning, can be addressed through the strategic use of satellite, construction, and geolocation data. The future holds the promise of AI unlocking the value hidden in decades-old documents and modern datasets, further transforming the landscape of data-driven decision-making.

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