Merchants in Ecommerce Marketplaces Data

Merchants in ecommerce marketplaces data
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At Nomad Data we help you find the right dataset to address these types of needs and more. Sign up today and describe your business use case and you'll be connected with data vendors from our nearly 3000 partners who can address your exact need.
Data has become an essential tool in understanding businesses in the e-commerce marketplace, providing insights that business professionals can use to inform better decisions. This is especially true when looking at datasets such as Amazon Products Data, B2B Data, E-commerce Data, and Transaction Data, all of which can be beneficial in understanding merchants on 3rd party marketplaces.

Looking at Amazon Products Data, as an example, allows professionals to gain insights into merchant location and ratings (both current and over time), as well as how long a particular merchant has been active on the platform. Knowing this information about a merchant can be beneficial in making decisions about the relationship between the two parties. Additionally, Amazon Products Data can provide more detailed information, including product level data (category, brand, SKUs, and pricing).

B2B Data also offers insights into data on merchants, opening up a realm of opportunities for business professionals. For example, B2B Data can help businesses identify which marketplaces their customers may be using, allowing them to more properly target them with their campaigns. This data can also provide accurate sales data, helping businesses gain valuable knowledge about sales trends, patterns, and opportunities in the marketplace.

E-commerce Data allows business professionals to see transaction data, helping them to gain an understanding of their customers’ online shopping habits. Understanding the total size of transactions, as well as returns and refunds data, can help inform decisions on discounts, promotions, and other marketing tactics. Additionally, E-commerce Data also includes merchant ratings information, which can be helpful in understanding customer sentiment towards a particular merchant.

Lastly, Transaction Data is incredibly valuable in getting better insights on merchants. Transaction Data can provide metrics on the size of the merchant, including their GMV ($, % change) at the category and brand level, as well as their advertising spend on each of the marketplaces. This information gives a more complete picture of the merchant, allowing business professionals to gain a better understanding of their performance in the marketplace.

In conclusion, data such as Amazon Products Data, B2B Data, E-commerce Data, and Transaction Data, is essential in getting better insights on merchants in ecommerce marketplaces. These datasets offer a wealth of information, giving business professionals access to critical data points such as merchant name, merchant location, merchant ratings (current and over time), how long they have been active on the marketplace, product level data (category, brand, SKUs, and pricing), GMV ($, % change) at the category and brand level, advertising spend on each of the marketplaces, and returns/refunds data. Armed with this data, business professionals can make informed decisions in order to maximize their success in the marketplace.
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