App Store Search becomes a key channel for Streaming apps amid password-sharing crackdowns

In our recent BRAG Index III with Digital Turbine, Peacock TV caught our attention as it outperformed Netflix, HBO Max, and Disney+ in Q1. Analysis revealed Peacock TV’s big secret to achieving these superior results: investing into App Store Optimization (ASO) and Apple Search Ads (ASA) at a significantly higher rate than the rest of the market.

So why are these mobile strategies important to streaming video services whose audience is mostly within their CTV app? Mobile and CTV are now a team, and consumers that opt for the big screen are now almost guaranteed to hit a roadblock before getting access to their favorite movies and shows. Particularly as password-sharing has tightened, the mobile app plays a sneaky yet vital role in the new account registration and authentication process, prompting users to download the mobile app before streaming on the CTV app. With remote in one hand and phone in the other, this multi-tasking consumer is Peacock’s target when employing ASO and ASA tactics in the app-store.
Peacock knows how to play the ASA game by going after high-intent searches for their own content such as 'NHL games' and 'WWE Network.' In addition, it is capitalizing on competitor branded keywords like Netflix while Netflix does not have an ASA strategy. In Apptopia Search Intelligence, we can see Peacock TV does not rank organically for any of these keyword examples, which means it is playing offense on ASA. Peacock also leveraged ASO by strategically updating their metadata to highlight niche sports programming leading up to major sporting events like the Daytona 500, the Masters, and WWE.

Streaming video apps, we’re looking at you. CTV and mobile apps now have a symbiotic relationship, and proactive brands that recognize this – like Peacock – are meeting consumers at the app store with compelling ASA and ASO strategies.
The 'Brand-Relative App Growth' (BRAG) Index identifies the brands delivering installs beyond expectations and how they did it. Read more to explore Q1 2023 mobile growth through the lens of UA Brand Efficiency.
Explore Q1 2023 mobile growth through the lens of UA Brand Efficiency.

So why are these mobile strategies important to streaming video services whose audience is mostly within their CTV app? Mobile and CTV are now a team, and consumers that opt for the big screen are now almost guaranteed to hit a roadblock before getting access to their favorite movies and shows. Particularly as password-sharing has tightened, the mobile app plays a sneaky yet vital role in the new account registration and authentication process, prompting users to download the mobile app before streaming on the CTV app. With remote in one hand and phone in the other, this multi-tasking consumer is Peacock’s target when employing ASO and ASA tactics in the app-store.
Peacock knows how to play the ASA game by going after high-intent searches for their own content such as 'NHL games' and 'WWE Network.' In addition, it is capitalizing on competitor branded keywords like Netflix while Netflix does not have an ASA strategy. In Apptopia Search Intelligence, we can see Peacock TV does not rank organically for any of these keyword examples, which means it is playing offense on ASA. Peacock also leveraged ASO by strategically updating their metadata to highlight niche sports programming leading up to major sporting events like the Daytona 500, the Masters, and WWE.

Streaming video apps, we’re looking at you. CTV and mobile apps now have a symbiotic relationship, and proactive brands that recognize this – like Peacock – are meeting consumers at the app store with compelling ASA and ASO strategies.
The 'Brand-Relative App Growth' (BRAG) Index identifies the brands delivering installs beyond expectations and how they did it. Read more to explore Q1 2023 mobile growth through the lens of UA Brand Efficiency.
Explore Q1 2023 mobile growth through the lens of UA Brand Efficiency.